Sunday, August 19, 2007

Momentum: Igniting Social Change

Whilst reading Robin Good’s excellent, prolific blog on Web 2.0 and associated technologies this morning, I was drawn to a recommended book titled Momentum: Igniting Social Change in the Connected Age. Naturally, being involved in philanthropy, I am intrigued, and have put in an urgent request to our ever-helpful QUT librarians. More on libraries soon!

Going by the blurbs, and hopefully reader comments before too long!, author Allison H. Fine (blog) presents strategies for ‘connected activism’, examining tools and techniques to facilitate positive social change in this connected world. She examines and as sites of social interaction which carry huge potential. Preferring many-to-many exchanges to top-down hierarchies, Fine sees the future in social networks. Citing the Cluetrain Manifesto, two authors of which I’ve recently met at the Berkman Center, Fine sees many connections between citizens and activists at the Web 2.0 level. (I am unsure whether she uses the term – it’s interesting to see how it’s been adopted by NGOs.) I am hoping to see a list of effective guidelines for employment of social software to reconnect to causes that matter in ‘inexpensive, accessible, and massively scalable ways’.

I look forward to writing a review when the book comes in!

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